
This article is part of our weekly series “Plattenbau stories”, introducing the topic of plattenbau districts in Europe and the world. ONE ARCHITECTURE WEEK 2016 will be held in Trakiya, a plattenbau districts in Plovdiv, Bulgaria, from September 30th until October 9th. The main focus of the festival is the topic of “citizen participation in the creation of the urban environment”.

An article from Future Architecture Platform, for the full version click here.

How would (post) soviet plattenbau districts look in the future? Gurgenidze Tinatin (architect and urban planner) and Corella Roser (journalist and filmmaker) search for the answers to this question.

Today, decades after the end of the Soviet era, plattenbau districts find themselves in a new reality. The examples of change given by the aforementioned autors come from different parts of the world – Kyrgyzstan and Georgia. They focus on the past and present of two districts – Gldani in Tbilisi (Georgia) and Voskhod in Karakol (Kyrgyzstan), but Tinatin and Roser also give possible scenarios of the future development of these settlements.
One of the products of this research is a documentary that shows the similarities and differences of these two plattenbau districts. Join us in our research of these not only surviving but also evolving through the decades places.