Peripheral light, air and sun


“Peripheral light, air and sun” is a work by Krassimir Terziev and Daniel Kötter, produced in 2016. It consists of a 4 channel video installation, texts and photographs.

One can learn a lot from the peripheries about the actual forces at work in the contemporary metropolises. The shift from overarching and visionary urban planning to more project based approach tackling pragmatic problems and seeking quick turn over is especially visible in those urban districts planned and built on the modernist blueprints of “light, air, and sun”. As Abdumaliq Simone writes, the excessiveness of the periphery makes out of it a signification that must be denied, yet always reiterated.

This is the double standard the core city has exercised over the peripheries, since they are both a threat to the internal order, and a buffer zone where the products of excess can be expelled and new modes exceeding the norms can be experimented.

To map the layers of sedimentation there is a voluminous effort.

In our own rather short term exploration of two social housing districts of 1970’s – Gropiustadt in Berlin, and Lyulin in Sofia, we have drawn four camera movements in four locations, each dissecting the landscape from inside-out or outside-in. Each long take frames dynamically disparate realities developing simultaneously.

Daniel Kötter is a film director and video artist whose work oscillates deliberately between different media and institutional contexts, combining techniques of structuralist film with documentary elements and experimental music theater.

Krassimir Terziev is a visual artist exploring the manifold transitions and tensions between a globalized world, dominated by the overwhelming multiplicity of symbolic imagery, and its material groundings in technological, physical and human ‘hardware’.

“Peripheral light, air and sun” is part of the main exhibition of ONE ARCHITECTURE WEEK – “Living spaces”.

Entrance: free

The presentation is supported by Goethe-Institut in Sofia.
