David Juarez

Forum lecturer

David Juarez is an architect and founding member of Straddle3, a multidisciplinary collective that works on urban- related projects based on an open source philosophy. Completed projects include the transformation of vacant lots and buildings into community spaces, houses built out of recycled materials, public parks co-designed and built with their future users, participatory cultural centres in Spain and Latin America, and digital platforms and software tools for collaborative urban development. David is a co-founder and active member of the Arquitecturas Colectivas network, and has conducted courses and workshops in Spain and internationally, at centres such as Universidad Javeriana in Bogota, Pompeu Fabra University in Barcelona, Universitat International de Catalunya, and Delft University of Technology. He has contributed to several publications including Collective Architectures (Vibok, 2010), Wikiplaza: Request for Comments (Hackitectura/dpr-Barcelona, 2011) and Handbook for activating the Public Space (AACC, 2014).

