Hanne van Reusel

Forum lecturer

Hanne van Reusel comes from Belgium and is part of the Brussels initiative Commons Josephat. The Josephat terrain is an area of 24 ha in the Schaarbeek area of Brussels. For years the terrain has been waiting for a new use. A group of citizens, amongst whom Hanne, has gathered to think about, propose and act on the transformation of Josaphat into an active part of the city, open to all. The group has been developing strategies, which take into account various legal, economic and social aspects of the area.

Hanne is a PhD researcher at the KU in Leuven. Her field of interest is performative urbanism in the margins of the city, research-by-design on collective visioning and place-making in Brussels. Hanne is also part of the Récup’Kitchen initiative. That is a mobile kitchen that collects at the end each day unsold products from the Brussels markets and gives them a second life.



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