Laws explained


In the course of an hour the team of will decode live our rights concerning communal property and will touch cases such as what to do when our neighbours avoid paying the communal buildings or make too much noise. Amongst the other problems, which will be discussed are the ones concerning the shared spaces in a building: staircase, roof, etc.

During the meeting the team of will pay special attention to the issue of building new constructions in green areas and will list the ways, in which we can counter this. All participants will be able to ask direct questions to the young lawyers of law uncoded” is an initiative of an association called “department for legal culture”. This is a socially inspired initiative, which main and only goals is to offer useful and practical legal information to its readers, served in a comprehensible way.

The team of consists of young laywers who believe that a high level of legal culture amongst citizens is at the base of every modern and democratic society. The published articles (the so called “Rights”) place the reader in a real-life situation and describe the applicable rights and obligations in a common language.

Entrance: free