Workshops at intervention 1-2-3

Every year ONE ARCHITECTURE WEEK builds a number of interventions in the urban environment. “1-2-3”, the main intervention of the festival in 2016, will be realised in the open green space between blocks 1, 2 and 3 in Trakiya. The space is typical for such suburbs in Bulgaria: badly maintained green areas and vegetation, abandoned old playground, lack of parking places, etc. At the same time this is a place where one can see also other, also very typical phenomena, such as: small gardens created and maintained by the inhabitants, benches and tables built by the locals, DIY repair of pavements or infrastructure executed by the citizens themselves.

The intervention is a joint project between a Bulgarian and three foreign teams – from France, Austria and Poland. Each of the foreign teams has prepared a project, while the Bulgarian team was responsible for the analysis. The first part of the intervention – analysis and design – was done between July and September. The construction of the three projects will take place between September 19th and 30th. The aim of this intervention is to serve as an example of how citizen participation can be integrated in the urban planning process.

ONE ARCHITECTURE WEEK is looking for responsible and enthusiastic young people, school or university students, who want to help with the realisation of this intervention. In the time between September 19th and 30th the participants will be entrusted with different types of building activities, will work with local and foreign architects and will acquire precious skills related to working directly with citizens.

If this sounds interesting to you – act! We are expecting your CV or a short description before September 18th. The places are limited! The festival’s team will choose the best candidates.

Maximum number of participants: 12 people

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